
TFL statement on Chempark incident

TFL is aware of the explosion and fire at Currenta’s facility at the Leverkusen Chempark that occurred in the morning of 27th July 2021. This incident occurred some distance from TFL’s facilities on the site.

No TFL personnel have been involved in this incident and, as far as we are aware, there has been no property damage to TFL facilities.

The incident has, however, temporarily disrupted normal operation of all the units located on the Chempark as well as the logistics arrangements in the area.

TFL is shocked and saddened by the events and the potential loss of life and we cooperating with the Chempark authorities to restore normal operation as soon as it is safe to do so.

Brian Watson
COO - TFL Group
Phone: +41 62 553 4880
Mobile: +41 79 138 5168