Re-Branding of TFL Group

In time for TFL's 20th anniversary we present ourselves in a completely new look and feel. The challenges to our industry and to our customers are increasing. TFL, as a market leader in innovative ideas for the industry, has to adapt to these challenges as well: the range from demanding environment friendly manufacturing processes, to substantial increases in registration of chemicals, to demands from brands and retailers on innovation and on reduced costs.

To visualize that TFL is prepared to take these challenges, we have done a makeover of our corporate identity. TFL has a new management on board, with a pipeline full of new ideas that will challenge the common practice in the industry. We also expand into related industries, since TFL strongly believes that synthetic leather and genuine leather will co-exist in the future and can benefit from each other.

We create innovation with

  • Great chemicals. Excellent advice.

This short vision is clearly communicating what TFL stands for and why TFL exists. We bring a smile to our customer‘s face: with TFL one can rely on the great expertise of our technicians giving excellent advice for the application to add real value to the final article.